Required Postings
Periodically school districts, along with other public entities, are required by local, state or federal agencies and boards to post reports, ratings and other documents.
- Annual Education Reports (District)
- Asbestos Management Program
- Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Advisory
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- MI School Data
- Pest Control Management
- Procedural Safeguards
- Safety Drill Logs
- School Handbooks
- Title IX Non-discrimination Policy & Complaint Procedures
- Voter Pre-Registration
- Wellness Policy & Assessment Plans
Annual Education Reports (District)
2024-25 Annual Education Report (2023-24 School Year):
All Berrien RESA Special Education Programs
January 10, 2025
Dear Parents and Community Members:
We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2023-24 educational progress for Berrien RESA and our center-based programs. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and some requirements of state laws. Our staff is available to help you understand this information. Should you need assistance interpreting this report, please feel free to contact me directly at
The District AER is available for you to review electronically or you may review a copy in the principal’s office at your child’s school. Each program will also be communicating their own AER to parents directly.
These reports contain the following information:
Student Assessment Data
- Includes the following three assessments: M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress), MI-Access (Alternative Assessment), and College Board SAT.
- Presents assessment information for English Language arts and mathematics for grades 3 to 8 and 11, and MI-Access science for grades 4,7, and 11, compared to state averages for all students as well as subgroups of students.
School Accountability Data
- Includes information on schools’ performance on various measures such as student proficiency and growth on state assessments, graduation, and attendance rates. Performance is measured on 0-100 index scales.
- Reports schools identified under three federally required categories for further support: Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and Additional Targeted Support
Educator Qualification Data
- Identifies the number and percentage of inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders
- Reports teachers who are teaching with emergency or provisional credentials
- Includes teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which they are certified
NAEP Data (National Assessment of Educational Progress)
- Provides state results of the national assessment in mathematics and reading every other year in grades 4 and 8
Civil Rights Data
Review the table below listing our schools. For the 2024-25 school year, schools were identified based on previous years’ performance using definitions and labels as required in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school is one that had at least one underperforming student subgroup in 2023-24. An Additional Targeted Support (ATS) school is one that had a student subgroup performing at the same level as the lowest 5% of all schools in the state in 2021-22. A Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school is one whose performance was in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state, had a graduation rate at or below 67%, or failed to exit ATS status in 2021-22. Some schools are not identified with any of these labels. In these cases, no status label is given.
Program Name | Label | Key Initiative to Accelerate Achievement |
Blossomland Learning Center | No Label | N/A |
Lighthouse Education Center | No Label | N/A |
Berrien County Juvenile Center | No Label | N/A |
Berrien RESA is extremely confident in the educational opportunities offered to your children. As you know, center-based programs measure student success based on the completion of Individual Education Plan Goals. Goals are reviewed annually and may include such tasks as making eye contact, tying shoes, using utensils, learning how to wait in a line, understanding consequences or even managing their own behavior, in addition to academic goals. While simple for some, these types of goals often represent an entire year’s worth of practice, patience and determination. These students (and their teachers) deserve our highest praise.
We are very proud of our students and look forward to achieving even more goals next year.
Eric Hoppstock
Asbestos Management Program
In October of 1987, the U.S. Congress passed the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987. In March of 1988, the Administration approved an environmental consultant to help the district meet the new federal regulations.
Berrien RESA has been, and follows all AHERA regulations. Berrien RESA Schools have continued to complete the required inspections and have retained Villa Environmental Consultants, Inc. to both inspect and test for asbestos in accordance with the AHERA regulations.
In accordance with AHERA, a management plan was developed, sent to the State of Michigan, and was approved. The management plan for all buildings can be reviewed at the Berrien RESA Administration Building, or individual building management plans can be reviewed in the office of that building.
Berrien RESA will conduct response actions and abatement actions when any asbestos material is expected to be disturbed. In accordance with AHERA regulations, Berrien RESA has been conducting six-month periodic inspections. The next three-year re-inspection of the total school system will be completed in 2025.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Advisory
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
As a public body under the Freedom of Information Act, Berrien RESA has developed the following procedures and guidelines to implement and assure compliance with FOIA.
We have also created a written public summary of the specific procedures and guidelines explaining how to submit written requests to Berrien RESA and how to understand our written responses, deposit requirements, fee calculations, and avenues for challenge and appeal.
MI School Data
MI School Data is the State of Michigan's official source for pre-K, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to help residents, educators and policymakers make informed decisions to improve student success.
The site offers multiple levels and views for statewide, intermediate school district, district, school and college level information. Data are presented in graphs, charts, trend lines and downloadable spreadsheets to support meaningful evaluation and decision making.
Pest Control Management
Berrien RESA strives to reduce the amount of chemicals used in buildings by implementing safe alternative methods.
Common pests we deal with are ants, carpenter ants, flying ants, termites, bees, wasps, flies, gnats, and mice.
Our current Integrated Pest Management consultant is Envirosafe. They have a wealth of information on safe pest control including links to other sites.
Pest Management Program Letter to Parents/Guardians 2024/25
Pest Control Do's
- DO keep a clean work space and lab. If you don't feed them, they won't come. If you have food in your area keep it in a sealed plastic container (e.g. Rubbermaid or Tupperware).
- DO help us track pest activity by entering a work order in our School Dude System when you have them in your area(s).
- DO keep food products covered and sealed as much as possible in kitchens and bakeries. Use your plastic containers, etc.
- DO keep outside doors and windows closed as much as possible. Inform us of damaged door sweeps and screens so we can deter critters and bugs.
Pest Control Don'ts
- DON'T eat food in your office or lab. If you feed them, they will come!
- DON'T use ANY chemicals or substances to control pests. The law provides strict requirements on what we can use and how we can use it. Instead of using chemicals or substances, please tell the Dude so we can track critter activity and respond to you efficiently.
- DON'T leave food products uncovered or unsealed in food storage areas. Paper containers and Ziplock bags will not keep critters and bugs away.
Things We Do to Control Pests
We have several ways we control pests in a safer way at Berrien RESA. All of them involve surprisingly simple alternatives to harsh chemicals.
- For insects, we use an enzyme soap called "Super C Pro". It is so safe you can drink it (though we don't suggest that). It works by dissolving the insects outer shell which it breathes through, essentially suffocating it. Bugs don't like enzymes. For bees and wasps, we add a little peppermint soap to knock them down a bit quicker. This is a great product for home cleaning and pest control.
- For ants we use a vacuum cleaner and Borax soap! The ants like the Borax so much they take it down to their homes and store it. This doesn't agree with ant digestion and effectively wipes out the colony.
- For rodents, we strive to keep outside doors closed and sweeps and screens in good repair. Where there is evidence of rodents, we use traps and try to locate and eliminate their food source.
Procedural Safeguards
Safety Drill Logs
Location | Type | Date |
BLC | Fire Drill | July 16, 2024 |
LEC | Fire Drill | July 16, 2024 |
BLC | Fire Drill | July 24, 2024 |
BLC | Fire Drill | September 4, 2024 |
LEC | Fire Drill | September 4, 2024 |
BLC | Lockdown (Outside Threat) | September 11, 2024 |
LEC | Lockdown (Outside Threat) | September 11, 2024 |
LEC | Fire Drill | October 1, 2024 |
BLC | Fire Drill | October 3, 2024 |
LEC | Fire Drill | October 11, 2024 |
BLC | Fire Drill | October 11, 2024 |
BLC | Lockdown (Inside Threat) | November 6, 2024 |
LEC | Fire Drill | November 7, 2024 |
Contact Information
Troy Boone
Director of Facilities & Security
269-471-7725 ext. 3221
School Handbooks
Title IX Non-discrimination Policy & Complaint Procedures
Voter Pre-Registration
Who Can Pre-Register
Beginning in 2024, 16 and 17 year old Michigan residents can pre-register to vote under state law. Pre-register online, by mail or automatically at the Secretary of State's office when applying for a Graduated Driver's License.
Students who are 16 years old may pre-register to vote by visiting the Michigan Voter Information Center website.
The Law
Section 9 of Public Act 258 of 2023 states that:
(9) The Secretary of State and the Department of Education shall annually coordinate a public education and outreach campaign to ensure that individuals who are at least 16 years of age but less than 18 years of age, and who are eligible to pre-register to vote under this section or who are eligible to register to vote under section 492, are informed of the opportunity and available methods to pre-register to vote or register to vote. In addition, the department of education shall ensure that materials for voter registration and pre-registration to vote are available to pupils in each public high school in this state.
Wellness Policy & Assessment Plans
The Berrien RESA Budget & Salary/Compensation Transparency Report was last updated June 2023.
Please navigate each section of the report through the left hand menu. Please follow this link to visit the MI School Data website. For questions or additional information, please email Scott Knoll, Director of Business & Finance.
Transparency Report
- Fiscal Year Approved Budget
- Personnel and Operating Expenditures
- Collective Bargaining Agreements, Health Care Plans and Audit Report
- Employee Compensation Information
- District Paid Association Dues
- Lobbying Costs
- Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
- District Credit Card and Out of State Travel
- Board Policy On Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment
- Reimbursed Expenses for Board Members and Employees
- Evaluations for Superintendents and Teachers
- Extended Continuity Learning/Benchmark & Assessment Reports
- ISD Web Report
Fiscal Year Approved Budget
Berrien Regional Education Service Agency offers educational services to our area’s 15 public school districts as well as to the over 20 parochial and private schools and four public school academies of Berrien County (totaling over 24,000 students). Our budget is adopted by an elected local board of education no later than June 30 of each year. This budget is then posted on the District’s website within 15 days of adoption. Any subsequent budget amendments are also posted within 15 days. Like other public schools and ISD/RESAs in Michigan, our budget is based on our best estimate of what amount of per pupil funding the state will provide as well as federal revenue sources.
Personnel and Operating Expenditures
Current General Fund Personnel Expenditures For 2023-2024
Because schools are a service industry, the largest share of every school’s expenditures are salaries and benefits. Retirement costs are state mandated. Insurance costs include long-term disability health, dental, vision, and life.
Data on this page is updated every December, upon receipt of information from the CEPI (based upon FID report submission which is due every November).
Personnel Expenditures 2023-2024
Salaries and Wages: | $4,966,333 |
Employee Insurance Costs: | $1,055,278 |
Retirement, FICA, & Worker's Comp Costs: | $2,642,881 |
All Other Employee Benefit Costs | $0 |
Current General Fund Operating Expenditures For 2023-2024
Like any organization, Berrien RESA has a variety of expenditures including utilities, technology, facility maintenance, insurance, personnel, and office supplies. Schools also pay for classroom supplies, specialized services for students with special needs, and many other instruction-related items. Public schools, like most government entities, have elected boards that control the expenditure (and receipt) of school funds. The school board members carry out educational obligations at the local level, and they have the ultimate responsibility for school operations. For consistency across fiscal years and between districts, public school districts are required to follow the common chart of accounts defined in Michigan’s Public School Accounting Manual.
Operating Expenditures 2023-2024
Classroom Instruction: | $1,919,642 |
Pupil and Instructional Staff Support: | $5,009,439 |
Business and Administration: | $2,580,535 |
Transportation: | $7,294 |
Central and Other Support Services: | $2,190,566 |
Operations, Maintenance and Facilities: | $446,949 |
Center for Educational Performance and Information Reports:
Personnel Expenditures - General Fund
Operating Expenditures - General Fund
Collective Bargaining Agreements, Health Care Plans and Audit Report
Master Agreements
Paraprofessional Staff Master Agreement
Professional Staff Master Agreement
Salary and hourly employees (non-bargaining) and EduStaff employees do not have bargaining agreements.
Health, Vision, Dental, RX Benefits
Priority PPO Plan A Health Insurance Plan
Priority PPO Plan B Health Insurance Plan
Health Plan A Summary of Benefits & Coverage
Health Plan B Summary of Benefits & Coverage
Dental & Vision Insurance Plans
Dental & Vision Insurance Plans Amendment 6/21/23
Cafeteria Benefits
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Amendment
Disability Benefits
Short-term Disability (voluntary)
Life Insurance Benefits
Medical Benefit Plan Bids
Berrien RESA offers employees a self funded insurance plan. However, Berrien RESA does requests bids for stop-loss gap insurance annually. Here are the latest Stop-Loss Bids received by the district.
Each year, Berrien RESA is required to hire an independent auditor to complete a comprehensive audit which evaluates and reports on the financial condition of the district. The audit includes a thorough analysis of all business operations as well as a compliance review for the requirements of the many programs we operate. For the year ending June 30, 2024, Plante Moran, PLLC of St. Joseph, Michigan performed this audit.
Employee Compensation Information
Salary and benefit description of superintendent and employees with Medicare earnings exceeding $100,000.
Medicare wages reflected on this report may include stipends/other compensation paid to the employee in addition to base salary.
Superintendent | Assistant Superintendent | Director of Special Education | Principal, Lighthouse Education Center | Principal, Blossomland Learning Center | Supervisor - Diagnostic & Compliance | Director of Instructional Services | Supervisor of Ancillary Services/Health |
2024 Medicare Earnings |
$214,911.44 | $141,959.52 | $131,140.44 | $115,342.02 | $112,270.32 | $112,270.32 | $122,179.48 | $112,270.32 |
Health Insurance |
$17,292.96 | $24,211.44 | $17,292.96 | $24,211.44 | $24,211.44 | $17,292.96 | $0.00 | $17,299.44 |
Cash in Lieu of Health Insurance |
$0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $4,800.00 | $0.00 |
Dental Insurance |
$1,584.00 | $1,548.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $0.00 | $1,584.00 |
Vision Insurance |
$403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 |
Long-term Disability |
$214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $209.12 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 |
Life/ADD Insurance |
$3,645.84 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 |
TOTAL Insurance Costs Paid By The District |
$23,141.22 | $26,452.11 | $19,569.63 | $26,482.73 | $26,488.11 | $19,569.63 | $5,492.67 | $19,576.11 |
$10,453.20 | $7,978.20 | $7,504.80 | $6,337.73 | $6,279.48 | $6,445.44 | $7,355.63 | $6,452.64 |
Retirement |
$67,364.08 | $44,497.38 | $41,106.12 | $36,153.88 | $35,191.20 | $35,191.20 | $36,792.69 | $29,459.94 |
Worker's Compensation Coverage |
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
TOTAL Mandatory Benefit Costs |
$77,817.28 | $52,475.58 | $48,610.92 | $42,491.61 | $41,470.68 | $41,636.64 | $44,148.32 | $35,912.58 |
$315,869.94 | $220,887.21 | $199,320.99 | $184,316.36 | $180,229.11 | $173,476.59 | $171,820.47 | $167,759.01 |
Assistant Principal, Blossomland |
Supervisor, ASD Program |
Director of Communications & PR |
Director of Technology Services |
Director of Early Childhood Education |
Director of Business and Finance |
Business Manager of LEA Services |
Director of Human Resources |
Director of Facilities & Operations |
2024 Medicare Earnings |
$105,024.96 | $112,270.32 | 117,379.48 | $121,008.07 | $114,751.27 | $117,379.48 | $113,861.56 | $117,379.48 | $107,570.88 |
Health Insurance |
$0.00 | $8,653.44 | $24,211.44 | $24,211.44 | $0 | $24,211.44 | $17,292.96 | $24,211.44 | $0 |
Cash in Lieu of Health Insurance |
$4,800.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $4,800.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $4,800.00 |
Dental Insurance |
$1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 | $1,584.00 |
Vision Insurance |
$403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 | $403.92 |
Long-term Disability |
$214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 | $214.50 |
Life/ADD Insurance |
$74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 | $74.25 |
$7,076.67 | $10,930.11 | $26,488.11 | $26,488.11 | $7,076.67 | $26,488.11 | $19,569.63 | $26,488.11 | $7,076.67 |
$6,322.20 | $6,559.92 | $6,506.51 | $6,829.98 | $7,111.54 | $6,701.87 | $6,576.76 | $6,634.76 | $6,666.48 |
Retirement |
$31,415.58 | $35,191.20 | $36,792.69 | $33,238.41 | $23,464.98 | $30,800.62 | $35,690.03 | $36,792.69 | $21,540.72 |
Worker's Compensation Coverage |
$0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
TOTAL MANDATORY BENEFIT COSTS | $37,737.78 | $41,751.12 | $43,299.20 | $40,068.39 | $30,576.52 | $37,502.49 | $42,266.79 | $43,427.45 | $28,207.20 |
$149,839.41 | $164,951.55 | $187,166.79 | $187,564.57 | $152,404.46 | $181,370.08 | $175,697.98 | $187,295.04 | $142,854.75 |
District Paid Association Dues
Dues and fees paid with district funds are limited to professional associations. Memberships in professional associations provide added opportunities, resources, continuing education, and professional development. They also make it possible for our district to conduct business in more efficient ways.
Professional Associations (2023-24 School Year):
Lobbying Costs
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
District Credit Card and Out of State Travel
Credit Card Information and Out-of-State Travel:
According to MCL 388.1618 Subsections 2 and 3, ISDs/RESAs are exempt from completing this section of the Transparency Report. For more information about Berrien RESA’s financial management, please see our annual ISD Web Report.
Board Policy On Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment
Board Policy Governing Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment
Section 5. General Purchasing.
In order to maintain effective control over the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment for the District, the purchase of all supplies, materials and equipment shall comply with all applicable Board policies, as well as all applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.
It is the general policy of the Board that the purchase of all supplies, materials and equipment be at the lowest possible cost in the best interest of the District and all purchases must be within budget allocations. All procurement processes should use good administrative practices and judgement and free of any real or apparent conflict of interest. All procurements are to be conducted in a manner which provides open competition as required by law. The lowest responsible bidder shall generally be awarded the contract; however, the Board reserves the right to accept any bid/proposal that it feels is in the best interest of the District.
If the reasonably anticipated purchase price for the supplies, materials or equipment exceeds the State of Michigan competitive bidding threshold, as adjusted annually, a procurement process with competitive bids/proposals is required. However, competitive bids/proposals are not required for the purchasing of food unless the food purchased in a single transaction costs $100,000 or more. Board approval is required for purchases over the State of Michigan competitive bidding threshold, as adjusted annually.
Purchases made using competitive bids provided through the State of Michigan programs, other consortiums, or cooperative bids shall satisfy the requirements of this Policy, unless applicable State or Federal law requires otherwise.
The Board reserves the right to: i) accept or reject any and all bids/proposals, in whole or in part; ii) waive any informalities or irregularities in the procurement process or a bid/proposal; iii) award the contract to other than the lowest bidder.
Section 6. Purchasing with Federal Funds
In order to maintain effective control over the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and services with Federal monies or under a Federal grant, the District shall follow all applicable Federal laws, regulations and standards, as well as all applicable Board policies and applicable State laws, rules and regulations.
It is the general policy of the Board that the purchase of all federally funded supplies, materials, equipment and services be at the lowest possible cost in the best interest of the District and all purchases shall be within budget allocations. All procurement processes shall use good administrative practices and judgment and be free of any real or apparent conflict of interest. All procurements are to be conducted in a manner which provides open competition. The lowest responsible bidder shall generally be awarded the contract; however, the Board reserves the right to accept any bid/proposal that it feels is in the best interest of the District.
When purchasing supplies, materials or equipment with Federal monies or under a Federal grant, the procurement processes shall also be in accordance with and follow Section 5 – General Purchasing.
When procuring services with Federal monies or under a Federal grant, if the reasonably anticipated cost is less than $150,000, then the District shall contact a reasonable number of potential vendors and obtain informal written quotes for the services from at least three (3) vendors, to the extent possible. If the reasonably anticipated cost for services which will be funded by Federal monies or under a Federal grant is at or over $150,000, competitive bidding shall be used for the procurement of those federally funded services. If it is determined that a formal competitive process for the procurement of services costing less than $150,000 is in the best interests of the District, the District may use an appropriate competitive bidding process to obtain bids/proposals for the services.
Procurement of federally funded supplies, materials, equipment or services through solicitation of a proposal from only one source may be used only when one or more of the following circumstances apply:
- The item can be verified to be only available from a single source;
- The public necessity or emergency will not permit a delay resulting from the competitive bid process;
- A noncompetitive bid/proposal is expressly authorized by the awarding agency; or
- After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate.
The Board reserves the right to: i) accept or reject any and all bids/proposals, in whole or in part; ii) waive any informalities or irregularities in the procurement process or a bid/proposal; iii) award the contract to other than the lowest bidder.
Section 7. Construction.
A. General Guidelines
1. The Superintendent shall develop an efficient system for the construction of new school buildings, and additions to, repair or renovation of, or energy conservation improvements to existing school buildings, and shall develop and implement administrative rules and procedures for District personnel regarding the same, that are in compliance with all applicable laws and this policy. All procurement processes should use good administrative practices and judgement and free of any real or apparent conflict of interest. All procurements are to be conducted in a manner which provides open competition.
2. Before commencing construction of a new school building, or addition to or repair or renovation of an existing school building, the Board of Education shall obtain competitive bids on all the materials and labor required for the complete construction of a proposed new building or addition to or repair or renovation of an existing school building.
3. Subsection A(2) of this section does not apply to the following:
a. Repair work normally performed by School District employees;
b. Construction of a new school building, addition to or repair or renovation of an existing school building if the total cost for the materials and labor costs less than the State of Michigan Competitive Bidding Threshold; and
c. Emergency Repairs to School District Buildings. However, such emergencies must arise as a result of circumstances which if not timely repaired could affect the health, safety or welfare of the School District’s students, staff or property. All emergency repairs must be reported to the Board after repair and should be ratified by the Board at its next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
B. Bidding Procedures
1. Construction projects where the materials and labor cost less than the State of Michigan Competitive Bidding Threshold may be made without obtaining competitive bids, provided that such procurement shall be made in accordance with School District Administrative Guidelines and applicable law. Projects may not be divided into subunits or separate contracts for the sole purpose of avoiding the State of Michigan Competitive Bidding Threshold or the bidding requirements of this Paragraph.
2. Construction Projects where the materials and labor cost an amount equal to or greater than the State of Michigan Competitive Bidding Threshold
a. The Board shall advertise for bids by placing an advertisement for bids at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the building or addition is to be constructed or where the repair or renovation of an existing building is to take place and by posting an advertisement for bids for at least two (2) weeks on the website designated by the State of Michigan and maintained for this purpose.
b. The advertisement for bids shall do all of the following:
i. Specify the date, time and location by which all bids must be received by the Board;
ii. State that the Board will not consider or accept a bid received by the Board after the date and time specified for bid submission;
iii. Identify the time, date, and place of a public meeting at which the Board, or its designee, will open and read aloud each bid received by the Board by the date and time specified in advertisement; and
iv. State that the bid shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the owner or any employee of the bidder and any member of the Board or the Superintendent of the School District. The Board shall not accept a bid that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement.
c. The Board shall require each bidder for a contract under this Policy to file with the Board security in an amount not less than 1/20 of the amount of the bid conditioned to secure the School District from loss or damage by reason of the withdrawal of the bid or by the failure of the bidder to enter a contract for performance, if the bid is accepted by the Board.
d. The Board shall not open, consider, or accept a bid that the Board receives after the date and time specified for bid submission in the advertisement for bids as described in Subsection B(2)(b) of this section.
e. A a public meeting identified in the advertisement for bids described in Subsection B(2)(b) of this section, the Board, or its designee, shall open and read aloud each bid that the Board received at or before the time and date for bid submission specified in the advertisement for bids. The Board may reject any or all bids, and if all bids are rejected, shall re-advertise in the manner required by this Policy.
f. Any procurement which ensues from a competitive bid solicitation shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, and the purchase shall be approved by the Board of Education.
g. Any construction projected funded in whole or in part by Federal monies or under a Federal grant, the School District must follow all applicable Federal laws, regulations and standards, as well as all applicable Board policies and applicable State laws, rules and regulations.
h. All solicitation documents issued by the School District shall reserve in favor of the School District:
- The right to accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part;
- The right to waive any irregularities or informalities contained in any response/proposal to a bid solicitation to the extent not prohibited by law; and
- The right to accept a bid other than the lowest bid.
Board Policy To Establish Reimbursable Expense Categories
Article I: Bylaws (Section 7: Compensation And Reimbursement)
Section 7. Compensation And Reimbursement.
Board members shall receive (choose one)
____ no compensation
____ compensation of ____ per annum
__X__ compensation of __$30__ per Board meeting up to a total of 52 meetings (including Committee meetings).
____ compensation of _____________ (specify).
Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties. Board members will not be reimbursed for entertainment expenses, or for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. The Board will ordinarily not approve expenditures of District funds for members to attend meetings outside Michigan, and any such attendance must first be approved in advance by the Board. The Board may establish policies for the reimbursement of expenses of Board members.
Reimbursement For District Employees:
Reimbursement procedures for staff are outlined in the district's Administrative Guidelines (currently being revised).
Reimbursed Expenses for Board Members and Employees
Section 7-Reimbursed Expenses For Board Members And Employees
Statement of the total amount of expenses reimbursed by the District for the most recent completed fiscal year for board members and employees:
Board Members: $6,448.06
Employees: $367,708.73
This section is updated every December.
Evaluations for Superintendents and Teachers
Extended Continuity Learning/Benchmark & Assessment Reports
Section 98b of Public Act 144 of 2022 Reports
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for ASD Programs (February 2025)
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for BLC Programs (February 2025)
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for LEC Programs (February 2025)
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for ASD Programs (February 2024)
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for BLC Programs (February 2024)
- Benchmarking & Assessment - Progress Report for LEC Programs (February 2024)